
Create a fixture with constructor parameters

Negative Test: This must raise an exception as the method query can not be found
script echo fixture
check echo AAA AAA
#check query [[[n, 1], [2n, 2]], [[n, 2], [2n, 4]]]

The entries in a library table can have constructor parameters in the same way as a script fixture.

test query 2

script echo fixture
check echo BBB BBB
check query [[[n, 1], [2n, 2]], [[n, 2], [2n, 4]]]

If you need further set up by calling methods of the fixture before adding it to the library you can use synbols to do this.
At the end assign the fixture itself to a symbol.

script test slim 47
set string Hello FitNesse
$ts= get fixture

Now add the previously created fixture symbol to the library

And here we go: We can use the methods of the fixture in any script
script echo fixture
check echo CCC CCC
check getStringArg Hello FitNesse