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ActionFixture was originally intended for workflow-style tests that are not repetitive. It uses a UI metaphor to automate other fixtures.

Table Format

The first row of an ActionFixture table always initialises the fixture class, in this case the ActionFixture itself and not a custom subclass. All rows after the first begin with a command cell, followed by command arguments in the remaining cells. Some rows will have two and some will have three cells. The second row is typically used for the start command, which expects one argument — the class name for the actual fixture to automate. After that, you can use the following commands to describe the test:

You can imagine an ActionFixture as an automation tool to populate UI forms and click on buttons that are connected to methods.

|check|together|Hello, World|

Fixture class

An important difference between ActionFixture and all other fixtures is that you should not extend the ActionFixture class in order to use it. Instead, you should extend the fit.Fixture class directly for your fixture and then pass it on to the ActionFixture using the start command.

Java Source Code

package info.fitnesse.fixturegallery;

public class ActionFixtureTest extends fit.Fixture{
	private String first, second, both;
	public void firstPart(String s){
	public void  secondPart(String s){
	public void join(){
		both=first+ ", "+second;
	public String together(){
		return both;

.NET Source Code

using System;

namespace info.fitnesse.fixturegallery
	public class ActionFixtureTest: fit.Fixture
		public String firstPart, secondPart, together;
		public void join()
			together=firstPart+ ", "+secondPart;

Python Source Code

from fit.Fixture import Fixture

class ActionFixtureTest(Fixture):
    _typeDict = {}

    def __init__(self):
        self.__first  = ""    #< Private attributes (Python convention).
        self.__second = ""
        self.__both   = ""

    # JAVA: void firstPart(String s)
    _typeDict["firstPart"] = "String"
    def firstPart(self, s):
        self.__first = s

    # JAVA: void  secondPart(String s)
    _typeDict["secondPart"] = "String"
    def secondPart(self, s):
        self.__second = s

    # JAVA: void join()
    _typeDict["join"] = "Default"      #< AUTO-DETECT: None = void
    def join(self):
        self.__both = "%s, %s" % (self.__first, self.__second)

    # JAVA: String together()
    _typeDict["together"] = "String"
    def together(self):
        return self.__both


In the Java version, ActionFixture only works on methods. in the .NET version, enter and check can get and set fields and properties as well.


You can use the ActionFixture to describe UI-style verifications.

In general, ActionFixture has been replaced by DoFixture (see DoFixture ) and there are very few reasons why you would want to use an ActionFixture today. DoFixture allows you to write workflow-style tests much easier, with less code in both the fixture and FitNesse table. It also supports direct domain object wrapping.

Previous page: ColumnFixture Next page: RowFixture Parent page: Basic FIT fixtures