!release 20180127

FitNesse Release Notes 2018/01/27

Uncle Bob Consulting LLC.

Requires Java 1.6

Major Changes since 20161106:

Github ids of Contributors to this release:

Thanks to all of you!

Git History

2018-01-13 Arjan Molenaar Include all wiki files under version control
2018-01-03 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1117 from amolenaar/java-9-classloader-take-2
2018-01-03 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1105 from fhoeben/dontFailRunWhenTooManyTestsCompleted
2018-01-02 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1118 from six42/port1_with_debug
2018-01-02 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1103 from fhoeben/allowScenarioTableAccessViaScenarioContext
2018-01-02 six42 Renamed page to better describe behavior
2018-01-02 six42 Upgraded test class to removed depreciation
2018-01-02 six42 Fixed #1059
2018-01-01 six42 Speedup unit testing
2018-01-01 six42 Allow text before the Slim Header Message
2018-01-01 six42 The slim client process should be stopped if the startup didn't success
2018-01-01 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1107 from NicoleRauch/suiteSpecIgnoresChildrenToo
2018-01-01 Arjan Molenaar Update release notes
2018-01-01 Arjan Molenaar Set context class loader for in-process FIT service to the plugin class loader
2018-01-01 Arjan Molenaar Set context class loader for in-process slim service to the plugin class loader
2018-01-01 Arjan Molenaar Pass class loader to in-process test systems
2017-12-30 Arjan Molenaar Move SSL parameter creation our of Ssl*SocketFactory
2017-12-30 Arjan Molenaar Add warning around use of ClassUtils
2017-12-30 Arjan Molenaar Keep FitNesse configuration extensible in JUnit runner
2017-12-30 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #5 from fhoeben/java-9-classloader-take-2
2017-12-30 Arjan Molenaar PluginsClassLoader only has static members
2017-12-30 Arjan Molenaar Do no longer change java.class.path with plugin path
2017-12-30 Fried Hoeben Rename pluginClassLoader to PluginClassLoaderFactory as it is not the classloader itself but delivers one
2017-12-30 Fried Hoeben Restructure plugins class loader
2017-12-30 Fried Hoeben Remove no longer valid todo
2017-12-30 Fried Hoeben Single return when getting classloader
2017-12-30 Fried Hoeben Ensure classloader used by default context configuration can be changed via ClassUtils
2017-12-30 Fried Hoeben Ensure classloader used by default can be changed via ClassUtils
2017-12-29 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1116 from amolenaar/gradle-4
2017-12-29 Arjan Molenaar Build Java 9 on Travis
2017-12-29 Arjan Molenaar Remove set and map related queries from HybridDecisionTable
2017-12-28 Arjan Molenaar Update XML page serialization to avoid extra whitespace when run with Java 9
2017-12-28 Arjan Molenaar Clean up unused instantiation variables
2017-12-28 Arjan Molenaar Pass classloader as instance variable where possible
2017-12-27 Arjan Molenaar Use a dedicated classLoader for plugins, instead of (ab)using the system class loader
2017-12-26 Arjan Molenaar Move all calls to Class.forName to a central place
2017-11-19 Arjan Molenaar Upgrade Gradle to 4.3
2017-12-20 Nicole Rauch We want to configure the traversal of the page crawler, not the creation.
2017-12-01 Nicole Rauch In order to exclude skipped pages AND their children from a suite specification run, we made the PageCrawler (that is used by the SuiteSpecificationRunner) skip those pages.
2017-12-01 Nicole Rauch Minor cleanup (renamed variable etc.)
2017-12-01 Nicole Rauch Extracted the traversers into their own files.
2017-12-01 Nicole Rauch Pulled the TraversalListener out of the SearchReplaceResponder.
2017-11-30 Nicole Rauch Pulled the hidden ReferenceRenamingTraverser out of the ReferenceRenamer.
2017-11-30 Nicole Rauch Converted the last test that was also a TraversalListener.
2017-11-30 Nicole Rauch Unified all tests in this directory to use the HitCollector.
2017-08-18 Nicole Rauch Better reuse constructors across the same class.
2017-08-18 Nicole Rauch The TraverseDirective also was a TraversalListener. Now we have two classes.
2017-08-18 Nicole Rauch There is no need for an interface and an implementation that are both in the same directory.
2017-08-18 Nicole Rauch WikiPageFinder was a finder and a traverser at the same time. Now we have two classes for this.
2017-08-18 Nicole Rauch Even the test class served the double purpose of being a TraversalListener as well.
2017-08-18 Nicole Rauch No need to have a field here as the list is only being used inside one method.
2017-08-18 Nicole Rauch The SuiteSpecificationRunner was also a TraversalListener. Let's have two different objects for these different purposes.
2017-12-02 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1108 from fhoeben/fixCachedInteractionTest
2017-12-01 Fried Hoeben Fix unit test that broke when fitnesse.slim.test.statementexecutorconsumer.TableTableIncFirstCol.doTable() was moved to its superclass
2017-11-29 Fried Hoeben Only fail test run if too few tests are executed, just log on too many
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1100 from fhoeben/allowTableTableAccessToSymbolAsObject
2017-11-27 Fried Hoeben Remove unneeded import
2017-11-27 Fried Hoeben Allow tables defined in other packages to see ScenarioTestContext class
2017-11-27 Fried Hoeben Allow custom scenario subclasses, and tables called in a "scenario's context" to access the scenario table
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1055 from GuillaumeEveillard/master
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1076 from anaplan-engineering/for-upstream
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1097 from NicoleRauch/html_reporting
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1101 from fhoeben/addPluginsPageToJar
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1003 from hansjoachim/warnings
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1079 from NicoleRauch/exclude_skipped_in_suite_query
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1084 from fhoeben/fix987
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1090 from daldinger/bugfix/20161106
2017-11-27 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1096 from jdufner/bugfix/#1095_Tests_depend_on_Locale
2017-11-20 Arjan Molenaar Use only primitive type for testee
2017-11-20 Fried Hoeben Remove lowercase 'i' directories, which do not exists.
2017-11-20 Jürgen Dufner reset locale after tests
2017-11-19 Arjan Molenaar Add condif setting for gradle files
2017-11-19 Arjan Molenaar Clean up DefaultInteractionTest
2017-11-19 Arjan Molenaar Command runner should only commicate exit codes via callbacks
2017-11-19 Arjan Molenaar Increase timout for fit client tests
2017-11-19 Arjan Molenaar Improve test error messages
2017-11-19 Arjan Molenaar Make fit client tests more easely identifyable
2017-11-19 Arjan Molenaar Require full VM
2017-11-17 Arjan Molenaar Ignore testHistoryDirectory folder
2017-11-17 Arjan Molenaar Remove openjdk7 build
2017-11-17 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1099 from fhoeben/decisionTableAndScriptSubclass
2017-11-17 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1098 from fhoeben/ensureCommonsCollections322
2017-11-17 Fried Hoeben Fix casing of directory name
2017-11-17 Fried Hoeben Remove duplicate line
2017-11-17 Fried Hoeben Add Plugins page to packaged wiki content
2017-11-17 Fried Hoeben Add Plugins page to packaged wiki content
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Further code cleanup
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Allow subclasses access to statement executor
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Extract some methods and variables
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Create base class to help people implement tabletable which does own symbol handling
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Update sample TableTable to use new method to get actual object assigned to symbol
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Add test to show difference between getSymbol and getSymbolObject
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Fix broken link on page
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Fix page reference to current page name
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Allow TableTables access to actual symbol's, and not just to their String representation
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Remove defaultChildClass which no longer is needed
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben All tests green
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben First stab to fix issue
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Failing tests to show problem
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Ensure commons-lang 2.4 is not included as transitive dependency (from velocity)
2017-11-16 Fried Hoeben Ensure commons-collections 3.2.1 is not included as transitive dependency (from velocity)
2017-11-15 Nicole Rauch Adding run-time information to the Slim test context, in order to add it to the JUnit test reports.
2017-08-18 Nicole Rauch A SuiteQuery should not run test pages that are excluded, even if they match the query.
2017-11-14 Arjan Molenaar Fix openJDK build?
2017-11-14 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1033 from fhoeben/filterImprovements
2017-11-14 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1029 from amolenaar/define-script-table
2017-11-14 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1025 from jdufner/feature/toc_of_page_headings
2017-11-14 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1024 from george-toma/master
2017-11-14 Arjan Molenaar update ignore list
2017-11-14 Arjan Molenaar More verbose error logging for FitClientTest
2017-01-17 Juergen Dufner Implemented table of content of all page headings
2017-11-05 Juergen Dufner Fix #1095 Tests now explicitly set the Locale
2017-11-05 Arjan Molenaar Oracle JDK 7 is no longer present on Travis-CI
2017-11-05 Arjan Molenaar Move WikiSourcePage tests to right package
2017-10-15 Arjan Molenaar Move WikiSourcePage to fitnesse.wiki
2017-10-15 Arjan Molenaar Update deprecated PageData properties
2017-10-15 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1088 from chy996633/master
2017-10-15 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1061 from vivganes/patch-1
2017-10-06 Dean Aldinger Changed ThreadPoolExecutor to SynchronousQueue for direct handoff queuing strategy.
2017-09-28 Samuel Chen Correct a word
2017-09-16 Fried Hoeben Add root page to fileset, to fix #987
2017-08-16 Kevin Poalses Merge pull request #1 from anaplan-engineering/fixture-interaction-fix
2017-08-15 Greg Pedder Remove duplication
2017-08-14 Francisco Marin Merge branch 'master' into fixture-interaction-fix
2017-08-11 Greg Pedder Run fitnesse project formatter to ensure consistent conventions
2017-07-27 Francisco Marin Added test for InProcessSlimClientBuilder with an interaction
2017-07-29 six42 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
2017-06-26 Vivek Ganesan Correct the typo in user guide home page
2017-06-21 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1058 from amolenaar/frontmatter-crlf
2017-06-20 Arjan Molenaar Allow Front matters to work with windows line endings
2017-06-20 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #1053 from xakon/fix/date-fmt-tests
2017-06-10 GGYE Fix Table:Table resizing when the last line contains more results than expected
2017-06-07 Christos Kontas Fix localization failures regarding dates in tests
2017-06-06 Christos Kontas misc: remove double-entry from .gitignore
2017-03-08 Greg Pedder Use fixture interaction for in process slim execution
2017-02-09 Fried Hoeben Remove redundant public modifiers
2017-02-09 Fried Hoeben Allow system property to define exclude filter
2017-01-10 Arjan Molenaar Add config for bettercodehub.com
2017-01-23 george-toma SliM execute fixture constructor based on parameters types #966
2017-01-23 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #997 from amolenaar/pipe-encoding
2017-01-16 george-toma SliM execute fixture constructor based on parameters types #966
2016-12-22 Hans Joachim Desserud Prefer interface over concrete implementation in return and parameter types (ArrayList -> List). Simplified a couple of foreach loops so we don't need to keep track of the index
2016-12-22 Hans Joachim Desserud Replace tabs with spaces for indentation
2016-12-22 Hans Joachim Desserud Remove redundant interface modifiers. (Left a couple which seem to be implementation hints)
2016-12-22 Hans Joachim Desserud Sort modifiers
2016-12-22 Hans Joachim Desserud Use <> instead of explicit types for lists etc.
2016-12-22 Hans Joachim Desserud Add missing @Override
2016-12-22 Hans Joachim Desserud Remove unused imports
2016-12-06 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #998 from keetron/master
2016-12-06 Koen Prins Update content.txt
2016-12-05 Arjan Molenaar Add acceptance test that proves script tables can be used with Define Table Type
2016-12-05 Arjan Molenaar Fix fixture type and name, so it works well with Script tables
2016-12-05 Arjan Molenaar Check if script is top-level, instead of name
2016-12-04 Arjan Molenaar code cleanup in SlimTable.
2016-12-04 Arjan Molenaar Determine teardown from Table
2016-12-04 Arjan Molenaar Do not try to dynamically invent fixture names.
2016-12-04 Arjan Molenaar make scenario table methods private
2016-12-04 Arjan Molenaar fix typo DecisionTable.i[fs]SymbolAssignment
2016-12-03 Arjan Molenaar Scenario table default child class should not be static
2016-12-04 Arjan Molenaar Rename CommandRunner.getReader/Writer to what they are
2016-12-04 Arjan Molenaar Fix encoding for pipe based socket.
2016-12-04 Arjan Molenaar cleanup and comments
2016-12-02 Arjan Molenaar update release notes
2016-12-01 Arjan Molenaar Merge pull request #994 from salandur/issue_962
2016-11-30 Jeroen Ruijgers removed double more in WikiWord documentation
2016-11-29 Arjan Molenaar Remove duplicate code isSuiteSetUpOrTearDown()
2016-11-29 Arjan Molenaar File listing will not show hidden files and CVS files
2016-09-12 six42 Merge branch 'unclebob/master'
2016-08-24 six42 Merge pull request #6 from unclebob/master
2016-08-05 six42 Revert "sync with unclebob master"
2016-08-05 six42 Merge branch 'upstream/master'
2016-08-04 six42 sync with unclebob master