!release 20181223

FitNesse Release Notes 2018/12/23

Uncle Bob Consulting LLC.

Requires Java 1.7

Major Changes since 20181221:




For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=16&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=15&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=14&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=13&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=12&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=11&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=10&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=9&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=8&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=7&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=6&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?milestone=6&state=closed.


For a complete list of closed issues and merged pull requests see https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/issues?direction=desc&milestone=4&page=1&sort=updated&state=closed.







20110923 (Dan Rollo)

maven pom.xml cleanups:

20081128 (UB)

Github ids of Contributors to this release:

Thanks to all of you!

Git History

2018-12-23 Fried Hoeben Merge pull request #1172 from fhoeben/includeWikiInJar
2018-12-23 Fried Hoeben Ignore empty lines before request lines, fixes #1042
2018-12-23 Fried Hoeben Add malformed request to exception message
2018-12-23 Fried Hoeben Also add .wiki files to jars
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Merge pull request #1018 from pepeZpew/master
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Merge branch 'fix/IdInHeadings' of https://github.com/tavsccn/fitnesse into tavsccn-fix/IdInHeadings
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Merge pull request #1142 from dcutting/master
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Merge branch '1126-xml-transformer' of https://github.com/briehman/fitnesse into briehman-1126-xml-transformer
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Merged in https://github.com/unclebob/fitnesse/pull/1131, ability to check exception
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Add test to prevent FITNESSE_VERSION variable not being set (#1170)
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Merged #1017
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Merge in changes from #992
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Fix class name in doc
2018-12-22 Fried Hoeben Merge pull request #1128 from elmuerte/master
2018-06-11 Dan Cutting Permit multiline arguments for custom comparators
2018-03-23 six42 added configuration switch to disable exception matching
2018-03-22 six42 fixed EOL settings to get useful diff
2018-03-22 six42 updated test cases and documentation
2018-03-21 six42 Allow to test for exceptions
2018-03-06 Juan Ant. Ruzafa Added test to check that TodaysDate is rendered in Preformatted text blocks
2018-03-06 Juan Ant. Ruzafa Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
2018-03-06 Juan Ant. Ruzafa Revert "Added jacoco plugin"
2018-03-06 Juan Ant. Ruzafa Revert "Moved plugin declaration"
2018-02-21 Brian Riehman Remove non-standard XML transformer attribute
2018-02-21 Michiel Hendriks #1126 regard StopTest in SuiteSetUp page as StopSuite
2018-01-23 Paul de COURCEL Fix \!headings when an heading contains literal macro
2017-06-06 Juan Antonio Ruzafa Moved plugin declaration
2017-06-06 Juan Antonio Ruzafa Added jacoco plugin
2017-01-17 Patrick Bernard fit.RowFixture replace ConcurrentHashMap with plain HashMap to handle null keys
2017-01-16 Juan Ant. Ruzafa Evaluate TodaysDate and expresions inside Preformatted blocks
2016-11-30 Jeroen Ruijgers Issue 859: update documentation
2016-11-30 Jeroen Ruijgers Issue 859: improve changed behavior
2016-11-28 Jeroen Ruijgers 859: Change behavor for finding methods by their graceful name
2016-11-28 Jeroen Ruijgers 859: Change behavior for loading classes by graceful name